Family hike in Nucet
Sibiu, Bd. Victoriei, în fața Facultății de Litere
1 mai 2023 la 06:00:00
Organized by:

Anii Drumeției
Dear Hikers,
Our colleagues from The Hiking Years program, propose you an easy hike in the Transylvanian Highlands, around the village of Nucet, to enjoy the raw green of spring and to admire, from afar, the snowy ridges of the Făgărași Mountains, along their entire length, from the west to the east. From the hills surrounding the village of Nucet we will be able to enjoy superb views of the Hârtibaci Plateau and the Făgăraș Country, between Cârța and Avrig.
Are you passionate about photography? The trail offers excellent opportunities for nature photography.
Do you love history? We will see the signs of the trenches and walk in the footsteps of the soldiers who fought on the hills near Nucet during the First World War.
We meet at 9:00 a.m., on Bd. Victoria, in front of the Faculty of Letters, from where we will head, grouped, to Nucet.
Hiking boots, season-specific hiking pants, synthetic or merino technical bodysuit, fleece, windbreaker and/or waterproof, cap or hat, rucksack to keep a change of top, water and picnic food.
50 lei/adult or child over 14 years old
For children up to 14 years old, participation in the hike is free, provided they are accompanied by an adult (parents are responsible for assessing the difficulty of the route for children)
We offer free transport within the limit of 8 seats on a first-come, first-served basis. The allocation and confirmation of seats in the minibus is done after purchasing the participation ticket, through a message sent to the guide.
Details and bookings: