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Fortified Churches - Perspectives


Biserica Fortificată Evanghelică CA Hosman


1 mai 2022, 12:30:00

Organized by:

Asociația Culturală In Ars Veritas, Centrul de Tineret Holzmengen, Fundația Comunitară Sibiu și Maratonul Internațional Sibiu, Fundația Biserici Fortificate

You still haven't made any plans for May 1st, did you miss leaving the house, but also a drop of culture?
We are waiting for you on Sunday at the Hosman Fortified Church, from 15.30, regardless of age.

We will start with a Quiz Workshop - interactive discovery of the fortified church, organized by Ramona Lazcko-David, for children and adults.

There will be an organ recital, given by Cristina Struța from Timișoara, with a varied program for all tastes.

During the concert, you will be able to watch a screening of videos shot from a drone by videographer Sebastian Puraci and photos of the fortified churches in Sibiu County, made by Daria Bârsan.

All you need to bring is good cheer!

Admission is free.

Before the event, you have time for a special ferry ride on the Hârtibaciului Valley, on the Hosman-Cornățel route and back at 1 p.m. : / ...

Event initiated by the Cultural Association In Ars Veritas, in partnership with the Fortified Churches Foundation, the Holzmengen Youth Center, the Sibiu Community Foundation and the Sibiu International Marathon.

Details and bookings:

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